Established in 2007, the Ventura College Women’s Basketball Fund is an endowment within the Ventura College Foundation benefitting the women’s basketball program. The goal of the endowment is to provide permanent fundraising for VC Women’s Basketball through income generated from the Fund. Each donation to the endowment will remain invested permanently, generating interest income for future Pirates, helping to supplement and eventually replace annual fundraising efforts by the coaching staff and student athletes. To donate, fill out the form on the right of this page and select "Women's Basketball Endowment" as the recipient of your donation or you can go the the VC Foundation Athletics Donation Page and complete the same form. To donate using your mobile phone, text "WePlayHard" to 41444, follow the linked instructions and select "Women's Basketball Endowment" as the recipient of your donation. For more information on the Ventura College Women's Basketball Endowment, please call Pirate assistant coach, Robin Hester, at 289-6521 or email him at Thank you for supporting Ventura COllege Women's Basketball and the Ventura College Women’s Basketball Fund! #VCFamily #PirateForLife #PirateForever |